Providing a unique pathway for approximately 5,000 students to progress to 3rd level education and achieve a STEM qualification

Katriona has led the All-Ireland STEM Passport for Inclusion programme – this is a joint initiative by Maynooth University, Microsoft Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and the Department of Education that addresses inequalities with access to STEM careers among secondary school students in socially disadvantaged communities.
The programme’s innovative approach, which combines an educational qualification (Level 6 NFQ), education support, and mentoring from industry role models, provides a unique pathway for approximately 5,000 students to progress to 3rd level education and achieve a STEM qualification.
The national roll-out of the programme (2023-2025), which is funded by Microsoft, Science Foundation Ireland, and the Department of Education, will see participants graduate from partner universities, Atlantic Technological University, Munster Technological University and Maynooth University.
Since 2021, they have had 1,250 young women from across Leinster and Munster who have participated; graduating from Munster Technological University and Maynooth University with the new skills qualification; and working with a mentor to build their knowledge and overall confidence. They currently have 3,000+ girls on the programme and we have 500+ women AND men from across their 190 industry partners who have volunteered to provide the young women with mentoring. They get to talk to them about their job, their path to their job and to support them to build social capital.
European “Girls in STEM Initiative of the Year” 2022
IBEC “Women in STEM Initiative of the Year” 2023
Women in STEM “Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of the Year” 2023
In the forthcoming phase of the STEM Passport for Inclusion initiative, they intend to build upon the accomplishments of the initial three years and extend their reach to communities that continue to be underserved and underrepresented. Their vision for the coming three years is to extend their reach across all four provinces of Ireland and collaborate with every Transition Year girl in each DEIS school. Through the implementation of a structured program, they aim to accomplish three primary objectives:
• Empower 6,000 girls to obtain a university-accredited skills qualification within their respective provinces.
• Facilitate meaningful mentorship relationships between these students and accomplished women and men working in hard to reach professions, thereby enhancing their confidence and capabilities.
• Promote more equitable practices within industry by affording the individuals who work with their students the opportunity to earn a micro-credential, a level 9 award, in mentoring for STEM equity from the affiliated university.
The passport for inclusion is expanding beyond the current funding model and we are aiming to raise 1 million euro to support over 7000 students from 2025-2027 to graduate with a skills qualification AND to work with a mentor. We are expanding to include a work experience programme too. We have secure some of our target from Industry so far and are looking for Industry partners to become strategic drivers in our vision for change. The value for Industry is boundless. Being involved provides mechanism for delivering on ESG/CSR strategy and also raises company awareness amongst girls in Ireland- it also supports and creates potential talent acquisition pipeline for companies who want to meet gender equality targets